Family Constellations ファミリー・コンステレーション

(English down below⬇️⬇️)

11/22の金曜日に友達のマルセロと一緒にfamily constellationsに行ってきた。マルセロはスピリチュアルなやつで、将来は心理セラピスト?になりたいらしい。出かける前に一応family constellationsとは何かwikipediaで調べてみたのだが、正直全く頭に入ってこなかった。でも行きのUberの中でYouTubeビデオを見せてもらったのでなんとなく想像はついていた。Family constellationsとは簡単に言うと、自分の悩みをみんなに打ち明けながら相談して解決するセラピーだ。僕の行った日はfacilitatorの人と、僕、マルセロ、31歳の女性、中年の女性2人の合計6人だった。

まずfacilitatorが全員の解決したい悩みを聞いてから1人ずつの課題に全員で向き合っていく。最初は31歳の女性ダイアナだった。彼女は離婚した元夫とその間の子供との関係を相談したいらしい。ダイアナは人指差して役割を与えていく。役割を与えられた人はその人になりきらないといけない。マルセロはダイアナの元夫ケビン、僕はダイアナの2歳の子供、他の2人はダイアナとダイアナケビンの関係役になった。約10畳くらいの部屋にみんなで大きな円になって座っているのだが、立ち上がり、それぞれがその時感じることを言う。例えば、僕はぶっちゃけ何も感じなかったけれど、僕の立っていた場所が扇風機の場所で寒かったので少し横に移動した。みんなが移動すると、facilitatorが’como te sientes?’(気分はどう?)って聞いてくる。他の人は’me siento muy pesado’(何か重いものを感じる)とかなんとかいうのだが、僕は何も感じなかったので’muy triste’(とても悲しい)とか言ってみた。そしたら、facilitatorは確かに片親がいなかったら寂しいよね、子供の将来にも影響するし、とか言った。僕はその時たまたまダイアナ役の女の人の隣にいたのだが、子供にとっては父親よりも母親が大事だから近くにいるんだよとか言ってた。その後facilitatorはダイアナ本人にこの関係を見てどう思う?と質問し始めた。すると彼女は元夫との関係が辛くて一月に自殺しかけ病院送りになったことを打ち明け、泣き始めた。そしたらなぜかダイアナケビンの関係役の女の人も声をすすりながら泣き始めた。僕は正直こんなわけのわからないところに来て30分で全く知らない赤の他人が号泣するところを見せられて自分は一体何をやってるのか、と僕は笑ってしまった。ふと横を見るとマルセロも笑いを隠していて僕は笑いがこらえられなくなり、facilitatorがダイアナに助言を与えている間ずっと下を向いて笑っていた。

他の4人が終わってから最後に僕の番が回ってきた。僕は幸いなことに健康や家族のことで深刻に悩んでいて相談したいことがなかったが、来年休学して世界一周するか悩んでいるのでそれを相談することにした。facilitatorは2人の女性に紙を握らせ、僕にどっちがいいかきいていた。僕が1人を選び紙を見ると’si, ano sabatico’(休学するべき)と書いてあった。そしたらfacilitatorはなぜか休学しないで僕がまず大学を卒業することを強く勧めてきた。ぶっちゃけスペイン語のリスニング能力が低すぎて言ってること半分もわからなかった。マルセロは「交換留学なんて休学みたいなもんじゃん!」とか便乗してきた。でも自分の決断は親と相談して自分で決めるし今回のfamily constellationsが影響することは多分ない。





On Friday the November 22nd, I went to the family constellations with my friend Marcelo. I personally think that Marcelo is a spiritual guy, and he wants to become a therapist in the future. Before going out I searched up what is family constellations on wikipedia because I had no idea what it was, but no information came into my mind. When I told Marcelo that he explained it to me, but I couldn’t really catch it either. However, I could imagine how a family constellations goes in an YouTube video. Family constellations is a therapy where you get to share and solve your problems that you are facing with everyone. On the day we went, it was the facilitator, me, Marcelo, 31years-old woman, and two middle-aged women. 

First, the facilitator asks for the problems that each one of us are facing and then we face the problems one by one. First up was 31years-old lady Diana. He wanted to share her relationships between her ex-husband and their children. Diana first points at everyone and gives everyone a role. When given the role, each one has to become and feel like that person. Marcelo was Diana’s ex-husband Kevin, I was her 2years-old son, and the other women were Diana and the relationship between Diana and Kevin. We all stand up in the room and say how we feel. For example, I honestly didn’t feel anything at all, but the place which I was standing was under a fan so I moved a little bit. After everyone moves as they like, the facilitator asks, ‘how do you feel?’ Others said something like ‘I feel so heavy’ but I didn’t feel anything so I said ‘I feel sad’. Then the facilitator tells Diana that if a child is missing one parent, the child must feel really lonely, and this fact could affect your kids in the future, or something like that. At that time, I (2years-old child) was near the pretend-Diana and the facilitator says that mother is more important to a child that is the reason why your child is near you. After, the facilitator asks real-Diana how she feels about the relationship. Then she confessed us that she tried to commit suicide in January and end up in the hospital. She started crying and the woman with the role of the relationships between Diana and Kevin both started crying. I think they were very emotional. At this point, I thought, ‘what the hell am I doing here on a Friday night, watching people crying whom I met only 30minutes ago’. And I don’t know why, maybe I was emotional too, I started laughing. When I looked at Marcelo, he was laughing too, and because of that I couldn’t hold my laugh. During the time the facilitator was giving the advice, I looked down and laughed. 

After 4 people at last, my turn finally came. Luckily, I didn’t have serious problems regarding health or family to talk about, but I am considering to take a year off from my university next year and travel all around the world, so I decided that as my topic. The facilitator gave two women a piece of paper and she told me to select one paper. When I selected and opened the sheet of paper, it said ‘yes, sabbatical year’. However, I have no idea but the facilitator told me to not take a year off and finish my university first. To be honest, my Spanish was so bad that I couldn’t understand more than half of the things that she mentioned. Marcelo also told me, ‘hey we are already in a sabbatical year!’. The therapy made sense but I make my decisions on my own with my parents and the family constellations probably won’t affect my decisions. 


What I thought afterwards

If you have a big thing in your mind that you want to discuss or decide, then you should visit the family constellations. I prefer consulting problems with my parents or friends. I went there out of my curiosity, and it was a cool experience. If I were asked to go to family constellations in Japan, I had never gone.