The reasons I decided not to take a year off of uni 休学をしない理由

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1. I have enough time to travel without a year off
I have a three-month break after my school year in Mexico until de end of September. I heard that when you work for a big company in Japan, they are barely flexible that you cannot take a long vacation. However, university students in Japan generally have time to travel. First of all, I have a Colombian friend so I will visit him and I am hoping to go to Cartagena, Medellin, Bogota, and Cali. After, I will take a flight from Leticia, the border town in the Amazonia. Apparently, there is a boat leaving Leticia to the Brazilian city of Manaus. Later, I would go down south south south catching some Portuguese at the same time. I want to go to Brasilia, Rio, and Sao Paulo which I visited with my parents in 2014. Then to Uruguay, and Argentina. I wouldn’t go to the Southern part because I will be traveling during the winter season. I will be then traveling to the Northern border of Salta by bus or plane, crossing the border through the Atacama Desert. Going back to the Andes Mountains, I will be seeing Lake Uyuni in Bolivia, Potosi, La Paz, and Lake Titicaca to enter Peru. After seeing Machu Pichu near Cuzco, I will be going back from the capital city of Lima finally to Japan for the first time in 1 year and 2 months.
I could go the other way around but the tickets are way cheaper to Colombia from Guadalajara. Amazonia is also in Peru and Ecuador so I'm thinking about skipping Brazil which is huge. But, as I traveled last month, I noticed that I travel quite fast compared to other backpackers, so I'm sure that I can make it. I heard that the travel cost is high in Brazil.

2. Traveling for a full year is too much
I like to travel for 2 weeks or so, but I don’t think I could do it more than that. Thus, I am thinking about short term JICA Volunteer for like a year or an internship to stay for like a half year then traveling around the world for a half year. But I am doing a professional practice here in Tec right now, also I need like a working holiday visa to work as an intern. I am thinking about an intern in a hostel where I get free meals and free accommodation. I want to do a marketing intern when I get back to Japan.

3. No lessons to be learned
I, fortunately, speak Spanish and English and also I have been to many different places around the world. Japan is unlike any other country in the world, and so I think that there are a lot of things which a Japanese person could learn from traveling, but for me, at this, I feel like different ways of experiencing is necessary for me. I think that I have traveled too much that I can’t simply enjoy seeing new things every day. For me, 1 or 2 weeks of South East Asia is enough.


港湾都市マサトランのマレコン Mazatlan Malecon, one of my favorite places in Mexico.


It's been 1month 帰国から1ヶ月

(English down below⬇︎⬇︎)
4月の終わりから日本で春学期を始めたので、メキシコでやっている1学期間の単位は認められない。ぶっちゃけ単位は足りてるからいらないけど。でも未だに授業はちゃんとやってて、特にCitizenship and Democracyというメキシコについて学ぶ授業が面白い。歴代のメキシコ大統領についてメキシコ人がプレゼンしてるのを見ると、自国のリーダーに対しての思いとかが伝わってくる。6月の中旬まで、木曜と金曜は朝5時半に起きて授業を聞いている。一方で外交政策についての授業はギブアップしてしまった。スペイン語で、毎回半分講義残りの半分でグループワークがあって、3時間ずっと集中して僕なんかはリーディングもやってこないと全然歯が立たなかった。何よりグループワークを組んだ2人のメキシコ人男子が優秀すぎて自分が何もやらなくても超いい成績来たから自分の存在意義がなくなってしまった。

I’m here at my house in Tokyo for over 1month now. I came back from Mexico because of the spread of Coronavirus on April 3rd. Today I’m writing how I’m feeling.
I started a new online semester (at least so far) here in Japan, so my credits from the exchange year wouldn’t be counted. I’m not short of credits, plus my university will not accept me to graduate even if I fulfill the requirements to graduate in less than four years, so I don’t really care. But I’m proud that I’m still continuing three of the classes. One class I dropped out cuz it was in Spanish and it was pretty difficult that I couldn’t keep up. In that class, I had to do group work every week with the Mexican students, plus every week there was a reading. I needed to concentrate for a full three hours and I needed to make extra efforts to keep up in the Spanish-spoken class. I only have three classes, and my favorite is “Democracy and Citizenship”, which is in English. We often have opportunities to present about many different aspects of democracy in Mexico and I’m always learning a lot especially when Mexican students are talking cuz they talk about how they feel toward everything including topics like former-presidents. Until mid-June, I wake up every Thursday and Friday at 5:30 am to participate in the class. Sometimes I don’t do the homework, but I’m still taking the tests and writing the essays. 
After I got back, for 2 entire weeks, I did nothing. I wasn’t motivated to do anything so I played video games and watched Netflix all the time. My favorites were SLAM DUNK, Haikyu, The Terrace House, and 6 Underground. Recently, I started reading books, searched internships, and started taking classes seriously. 
I must be honest that there are a lot of people that are suffering much harder than me because of Corona, but I gotta say that I’m super unlucky too. What is the chance of canceling the exchange semester because of a virus?? This is definitely the highlight of my university life lol and it was a dream to go on an exchange ever since I came back from the United States because of my dad’s job in middle school. I finally got the hang of Spanish to enjoy my semester and I had to go. I was also planning to backpack South America for three months until September. I wanna live in Latinamerica during my two last years as a student. I also want to gain experience for work in the next two years. 


First thing you see when you come back


Regrets 後悔

(English down below⬇︎⬇︎)


People only learn from sufferings. In the time of Coronavirus, we say it’s okay to walk outside but on the other hand people die, and people still walk outside and the virus spreads, which is super irresponsible and this is preventing the country from recovering. I personally think that humans are egoistic so the government actually need to say something to limit people going outside. Even I went outside maybe once a day with the reason that I’m going to see my friends for one last time.
People stand up from a suffering. In my life, I never really suffered. I lived abroad in the US and the fact that I can speak English and that I am a returnee made things so much easier. I go to the best private university in the country. It was the first time I had to give up because of some random disease. My primary purpose for coming to Mexico was to improve my Spanish like my English, which is like DELEC1 level. I think I studied Spanish hard in Guatemala over the winter break and I’m confident to pass the B2 level. I need to pass the test-taking place in July. Originally, I was gonna take the B2 exam in Guadalajara in May. In November, after my round trip in South America, I pass the C1 exam and I could have said proudly that I have Spanish that's enough to do business with Spanish speaking people.
However, as of the beginning of April, my Spanish is not that good. Spanish which I planned to study as one of my focus in university sucks at the academic level. In one Spanish course which I have called Analysis de Politicas Exteriores, the teacher told me that I am failing the class and I need to participate more in group work. I thought that I can come back to Mexico later after the Coronavirus but if I really want to master that language I need to work on my own. I’m not sure if I can pass C1 even if I had spent more time in Latinamerica.
Looking back my life for 8 months in Mexico, I spent most of my time talking in English. Last semester with my ex-roomie Carlos I spoke in English, and I was always with the exchange students. This semester I always talked with my friends Marvin, Angelica, and Darlene in English. It’s not changeable that there are 300 exchange students in Mexico but I could’ve spoken to Mexicans in Spanish. This semester I took classes in Spanish (and English) and stayed in a host family's house, but last semester I didn’t do shit. Also, I look back that I should’ve trained myself more prior to my exchange year. I feel like all of these procrastination leads to my Spanish now. I’m already a junior in university, I've got no time to waste. Time goes by. My exchange is finished.


Where it all started @CDMX


Home-stay at a Mexican house ホストファミリーについて

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Narcos MexicoのKikiが死んだエピソードをホストファミリーの家で見ていた時に、Kikiが遺体で見つかったのがたまたまサモラでゾッとした。


This 2nd semester in Mexico, I stay with a host family in a house. My host-family is only my host mother and host brother, so it could be a little different from what you imagine as a home-stay. My host-brother is working, also as they are ‘foreigns’(people that are originally from other part), it’s not like gathering every Sunday with other family members. I’m trying to keep myself busy and in the weekends I hang out with other exchange students, so I don’t meet them as much. Meals are served three times a day during the weekdays, and host-mom takes care of the laundry and cleaning the room, so it’s very easy living. There is always someone in the house to talk to about issues or talk about some random topic. This is pretty cool as I wake up every morning I hear Spanish, I take classes in Spanish and I try to talk to Mexicans in Spanish. (actually I have 2 classes in English and 2 classes in Spanish) My host-mom cooks well. In the morning she serves me serial with some fruits, honey, and yogurt, orange juice/chocomilk, and a Mexican breakfast dish like chilakiles. Lunch is the heaviest dish and Mexican soup or meat is served. Dinner is lighter as she serves me leftovers of lunch or fast-food such as nuggets or pizza. In the night, I sometimes get hungry and eat instant soups from Japan, but I am rarely hungry in the house.

The family is conservative and sometimes this irritates me. When I am doing some weird moves or say something that sounds weird to them, they tell me whatever they think, which doesn’t often match with what I think. it’s not their fault, as we come from different cultures, so I just let it through. For example, you go to a restaurant in which you can’t book a reservation. Mexicans think that waiting for good food is normal and they may think that they are lucky if the food comes out quickly. On the other hand, we Japanese people think that if we were to wait in the restaurant, better book first and get to the food right away. Getting the food first is part of the service. But when I said something similar to this, they were like, “no Kake, that is not true in any sense.” So I was like wtf, but I try to not say my opinions as I don’t want to waste my energy discussing without endings or solutions. Sometimes my host-mom doesn’t provide enough reasons why, and my host-brother explains which makes more sense.

Anyways, my host-family is from Zamora, Michoacan, the state next to Jalisco. I went to Zamora over the 3-day weekend. The house had a garden that is four times as big as the house itself. I stay in a huge room with a huge balcony and a huge bathroom. There was not much to do in Zamora, however, I went along with my host family to running, shopping, hanging out with local friends of my host-brother, taking naps, and writing blogs and doing some schoolwork. Michoacan has good food. In the Centro, there is nothing to see. However, Sanctuario is super big and it’s lighted up in the night beautifully. On Sunday, we went to the nearby lake named Camecuaro. This place was super crowded because of the 3-day weekend and I didn’t enjoy to be honest. It was like summertime Nagashima Spaland. Later, I ate a hamburger in a nearby town called Tangancicuaro. Overall, it was relaxing and I was satisfied to get to know a new place!

When I was in my host family house in Zamora watching Narcos Mexico episode of Kiki kidnapped and died, the place where Kiki was found dead was Zamora and this scared me. 




メキシコでのコロナ Coronavirus in Mexico

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In Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, where I study as an exchange student, they have decided to close the university from this Tuesday, 17th until 23rd next Tuesday. In this period, our teachers are preparing for online classes and from the 24th, we will receive all the classes online until before Semana Santa. After Semana Santa, hopefully, we will be back in school. According to my host brother, there are a few infected people in Guadalajara and most of them are brought from Europe. I think Tec made a wise decision. 

I feel like Mexicans are very optimistic about coronavirus. It’s not so serious here at this point in Mexico, but I feel like Mexico is Europe three weeks ago. If it spreads, and I have to go back to Japan like our fellows sent to Korea, China, and Italy, my exchange is over. My host family says the food wouldn’t run out in Mexico cuz Mexico produce vegetables and fruits, but when the farmers stop producing or the carrier trucks stop, there will be nothing in the supermarket. Human being doesn’t understand until they suffer pain themselves. 

I guess the situation in Japan is pretty bad too. Doesn’t matter if I'm in Japan or Mexico, I don’t have anything interesting but to stay in the house. So I prefer to stay in Mexico. I thought about traveling but it’s better to stay in the house for the next few weeks. I have been everywhere interesting to me in Mexico. If I go traveling outside of Mexico and can’t go back or the flights get canceled, I'm in trouble. Going to touristic places means increases the chance to get infected.



Carnaval de Mazatlan マサトランのカーニバル

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初日僕は朝4時に起きてblablacarというシェアライドを利用してマサトランに向かった。その車にいたパリピメキシコ人と一緒に朝ご飯を食べたのだが、1人はナンパをしてどっかに消えるし、友達を探しに2時間くらいセントロを車でグルグルしているうちに、これはラチがあかないなと思い僕は彼らにさよならをして1人で観光を始めた。まずIsla de las Piedrasという島にボートで向かった。ここは砂浜がずっと続くビーチで、レストランではBanda norteñaというメキシコの音楽のバンドが演奏していた。僕は水着を持っていなかったので、この島を一周した後、旧市街に戻った。旧市街はカラフルで、大聖堂の周りにはヤシの木がたくさん植えられていて南国の雰囲気がした。その後フェスティバルの前夜祭をやっている海岸沿いに行ったが、まだ夜の7時だったので会場が空っぽだった。本当はカルロスはこの日来るはずだったのだが来れなくなりマサトランにはどの宿も空きがなかったので、僕はバスで2時間のカルロスの住むクリアカンに行き、泊まらせてもらった。







I travelled to Mazatlan, Sinaloa for a weekend to see the Carnaval de Mazatlan. The 1st day I travelled alone to see the city and 2nd and 3rd day I spent time with my ex-roomie Carlos and his family. Matzatlan is a famous beach resort in Mexico, but there are almost no foreigners. Mazatlan is divided mainly into 2 parts; one is the Old Centro and the other is the area with fancy resort hotels. In between these two areas, there is a road by the shoreline called Malecon and it’s amazing for driving. I reminded me of Rio which I visited 6 years ago.

The 1st day I woke up at 4am to catch a Blablacar ride. This service is very convenient and you get to the destination faster while you pay less. I travelled with three party Mexicans and had a brunch with them. However, later I decided to split with them cuz one disappeared trying to hook up with a girl and the car just went back and forth the Centro of Mazatlan attempting to find a friend they were looking for. First, I went to the Isla de las Piedras by a boat. This is a real beach with brown sand and in the restaurants they played banda. I left my swim pants in a hostel in Valladolid so I went back to Mazatlan after going around the island. The Centro is very colorful and in front of the cathedral stood palm trees. Later, I went to the festival place but there was nothing at 7pm in the night. Carlos was supposed to come but he couldn’t come in the end. I couldn’t find any cheap hostels so I took a bus to Culiacan to stay with Carlos. 

The 2nd day, I went to Mazatlan with Carlos family in the car. We went to a seafood restaurant. I had a champechana with octopus, fish, (shrimp), and some shells while the banda played in the background. Later, we walked to the festival place to eat some fancy tacos and to see the fireworks. But Mazatlan is big so it took us an hour to get to there and the place was full of people so we were exhausted. Also, Carlos was mad with his sister. After eating some fancy papas, we saw mediocre-size fireworks. In this festival place, there are different stages which played different kind of music. I wanted to stay more, we decide to go back as Carlos told me that he wanted to go back cuz someone peed on his feet. After 1hour of walk back home, we were dead.

The 3rd day was the carnival. Mazatlan has the 2nd biggest carnival in Mexico after Veracruz and cuz we stayed in the hotel by Malecon, we could watch the parade from the terrace of the hotel. In the morning, we went to Mercado to have breakfast. It was the same design as all the other mercados in Mexico, apart from the fact that they sold fish tostadas and on the 2nd floor there were restaurants. I had two fish tostadas, they were okay. Later we went to the aquarium but it was closed so we went back to the hotel to take a nap. Later around 6pm, all the advertisement cars arrived of Pacifico or Fresco. In the state of Sinaloa, plastic surgery is very common and on top of these advertisement buses sat women with nice boobs and hips. I think those women are the nicest women I have seen so far in Mexico. 

Then at 8:30pm arrived the parade cars. They were actually more like building built on big trucks. Also, there were cars moving with people on it like in the parade of Disneyland and cars with a big group of banda. I however think it is easier to visualize the parade watching my Instagram stories. As I mentioned, I have been to Rio two weeks before the carnival, and the size of the carnival in Mazatlan was the same as Rio-2-weeks-before. I liked Mazatlan itself as it is a city and it has nice sea, only I thought it would be better if there were no carnival. 

When the parade ended, Carlos and I ran to the bus station to catch the bus. However, the bus terminal is located in the center of Mazatlan and our busses didn’t arrive for more than 3 hours. Later my bus arrived but Carlos was still waiting. The next day I had to go to the internship/volunteer but when I arrived to the terminal it was already 9am so I decided to not go to the 1st day of internship. 


As I’m quite busy these days with all the classes, internship, and having fun on the weekends, I can’t invest my time too much as much as I did in the last few months. I’d still be uploading twice every month so please read it when it comes out!



Sunset from the hotel