It's been 1month 帰国から1ヶ月

(English down below⬇︎⬇︎)
4月の終わりから日本で春学期を始めたので、メキシコでやっている1学期間の単位は認められない。ぶっちゃけ単位は足りてるからいらないけど。でも未だに授業はちゃんとやってて、特にCitizenship and Democracyというメキシコについて学ぶ授業が面白い。歴代のメキシコ大統領についてメキシコ人がプレゼンしてるのを見ると、自国のリーダーに対しての思いとかが伝わってくる。6月の中旬まで、木曜と金曜は朝5時半に起きて授業を聞いている。一方で外交政策についての授業はギブアップしてしまった。スペイン語で、毎回半分講義残りの半分でグループワークがあって、3時間ずっと集中して僕なんかはリーディングもやってこないと全然歯が立たなかった。何よりグループワークを組んだ2人のメキシコ人男子が優秀すぎて自分が何もやらなくても超いい成績来たから自分の存在意義がなくなってしまった。

I’m here at my house in Tokyo for over 1month now. I came back from Mexico because of the spread of Coronavirus on April 3rd. Today I’m writing how I’m feeling.
I started a new online semester (at least so far) here in Japan, so my credits from the exchange year wouldn’t be counted. I’m not short of credits, plus my university will not accept me to graduate even if I fulfill the requirements to graduate in less than four years, so I don’t really care. But I’m proud that I’m still continuing three of the classes. One class I dropped out cuz it was in Spanish and it was pretty difficult that I couldn’t keep up. In that class, I had to do group work every week with the Mexican students, plus every week there was a reading. I needed to concentrate for a full three hours and I needed to make extra efforts to keep up in the Spanish-spoken class. I only have three classes, and my favorite is “Democracy and Citizenship”, which is in English. We often have opportunities to present about many different aspects of democracy in Mexico and I’m always learning a lot especially when Mexican students are talking cuz they talk about how they feel toward everything including topics like former-presidents. Until mid-June, I wake up every Thursday and Friday at 5:30 am to participate in the class. Sometimes I don’t do the homework, but I’m still taking the tests and writing the essays. 
After I got back, for 2 entire weeks, I did nothing. I wasn’t motivated to do anything so I played video games and watched Netflix all the time. My favorites were SLAM DUNK, Haikyu, The Terrace House, and 6 Underground. Recently, I started reading books, searched internships, and started taking classes seriously. 
I must be honest that there are a lot of people that are suffering much harder than me because of Corona, but I gotta say that I’m super unlucky too. What is the chance of canceling the exchange semester because of a virus?? This is definitely the highlight of my university life lol and it was a dream to go on an exchange ever since I came back from the United States because of my dad’s job in middle school. I finally got the hang of Spanish to enjoy my semester and I had to go. I was also planning to backpack South America for three months until September. I wanna live in Latinamerica during my two last years as a student. I also want to gain experience for work in the next two years. 


First thing you see when you come back