メキシコでのコロナ Coronavirus in Mexico

(English down below⬇︎⬇︎)





In Tecnologico de Monterrey Campus Guadalajara, where I study as an exchange student, they have decided to close the university from this Tuesday, 17th until 23rd next Tuesday. In this period, our teachers are preparing for online classes and from the 24th, we will receive all the classes online until before Semana Santa. After Semana Santa, hopefully, we will be back in school. According to my host brother, there are a few infected people in Guadalajara and most of them are brought from Europe. I think Tec made a wise decision. 

I feel like Mexicans are very optimistic about coronavirus. It’s not so serious here at this point in Mexico, but I feel like Mexico is Europe three weeks ago. If it spreads, and I have to go back to Japan like our fellows sent to Korea, China, and Italy, my exchange is over. My host family says the food wouldn’t run out in Mexico cuz Mexico produce vegetables and fruits, but when the farmers stop producing or the carrier trucks stop, there will be nothing in the supermarket. Human being doesn’t understand until they suffer pain themselves. 

I guess the situation in Japan is pretty bad too. Doesn’t matter if I'm in Japan or Mexico, I don’t have anything interesting but to stay in the house. So I prefer to stay in Mexico. I thought about traveling but it’s better to stay in the house for the next few weeks. I have been everywhere interesting to me in Mexico. If I go traveling outside of Mexico and can’t go back or the flights get canceled, I'm in trouble. Going to touristic places means increases the chance to get infected.
