Christmas in Guatemala グアテマラで過ごすクリスマス

 (English down below⬇️⬇️)





Right now I’m in Quezaltenango in Western Guatemala. In Guatemala, it is normal to spend Christmas with your family as well as all of the Western countries. I think it’s a weird culture that the society makes you feel miserable if you don’t have a lover or friends to celebrate with. There may be some of you wondering, what is Kakeru doing in one place for such a long time. I am studying at an Spanish language school while staying in a local Guatemalan house. For Christmas, I thoug

ht that I am going to celebrate with my host family. In Guadalajara, where I study, I had some friends inviting me to join for their Christmas. However, in Guatemala, sadly I have no local friends. In Guadalajara, I often get invited to a house party of friends, but here I have no friends and even if it’s a Friday, I have nothing to do. So, it’s great to have friends. 

Actually in Guatemala (and in most of the Christian countries as well), Christmas starts around 15th of December. For nine days until the 23rd, Christian people make parades every night with a statue of Jesus Christ and find houses where they could find houses to put the statue. And the next night, the parade come to pick up the statue and continue walking again. I think the whole tradition is called posada, and I was totally amazed when I saw the parade with a christmas marching band of about 40 middle school students. On the 23rd, there was a Christmas lunch at our language school. Everyone brought in something or cooked and we shared all of the food together. What I remember from Christmas in Japan is that 25th is the last day of school and when we got to school, everyone shared about what they got from Santa Claus. However, in Guatemala it is a complete holiday. I thought that I am going to do Christmas dinner with the family but my host family went out for the mass around 8pm. The host mom later told me that they ate Christmas family dinner at other family member’s house and comes back home around 3am. Because I wanted experience the Guatemalan Christmas, I was disappointed. Me and Simon went for a walk around the city, but the city was completely empty and the church w

as closed already at 10pm. Later I got home and when it turned 12am, everyone started launching fireworks and firecrackers, so I couldn’t sleep for a while. 

On the 25th, we didn’t have school and once again the host family left us in the house, so we cooked our own Christmas lunch. For the others, it is their first time to spend Christmas without their family, so they called the family, or they were opening Christmas presents that the family member had already put in the suitcase. I talked about the Christmas when I lived in the States, and in the States they give out presents to family members, friends, and everybody so we talked about how this could be a great waste of resources. In those Hollywood movies, when you wake up on the morning of 25th, there are dozens of presents under the Christmas tree and the kids open them at once. But in Guatemala, even though there are Christmas decorations, there were only one present for each kids and it is more important for them that the family gets together for Christmas and spend time together. I thought that this should be the original way of celebrating Christmas. 


Christmas Dinner! 語学学校のクリスマスディナー。めちゃくちゃうまかった。

My plan after the exchange year 来年多分休学する

 (English down below⬇️⬇️)














My plan is to take a year off from my university in Japan and see more parts of the world. To be more precise, I want to do a semester abroad in Argentina and I want to spend rest of my time traveling all around the world. When I am traveling during my exchange year abroad, I got to meet a lot of travelers that are older than me. As I heard their story of traveling, I thought that it is better to do it when I am younger. 

My exchange year ends mid-June. My semester abroad in Argentina should start around 10th of August, so I’ll have two month of traveling. When my semester ends, I’ll fly to Colombia. Then, I want to go down to Amazon in Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Tbh I am not sure what I am going to do, but I wanna be able to speak Portuguese in Brazil and I want to meet a friend from Medellin. I am worried if my body can travel for two month. I wanna travel with somebody.


Why Argentina?

I noticed that many South American universities’ tuition are in decline. However, in Argentina and Brazil, foreigners could also go to universities for free. In Latinamerica, foreigners could study cheap in The University of the Havana, but I heard from my friends that living in Cuba could be tough, because it’s a socialist country and sometimes there are no internet. My Portuguese friend told me to study in Spain, but students coming from non-European countries have to pay thousands of Euros to attend universities. My priority is cheap living and big city. I study now in Guadalajara, with the city population of 1.6m, but I don’t wanna live in a smaller city than this city. The only cities bigger than Guadalajara in Spain are Barcelona and Madrid, and the prices are much higher than Buenos Aires. I’ve done a lot of research and I have come to the conclusion that attending University of Buenos Aires is the best option for me. 


Plan to travel around the globe

My tests in Argentina should end early-December and after, I wanna travel to Patagonia, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and maybe to Cuba. I really want to visit Lake Uyuni and Galapagos. I plan to stay until Europe is warm. In March, I’d travel to Iberia Peninsula, Italy, Morocco, and Egypt. The reason I want to avoid cold is that I’m going to be a backpacker and a backpacker can’t bring that much cloth. In May, I go for Balcan Peninsula and end in Turkey. From July to September, I travel to South-East Asia. I have a friend studying in Cambodia and if I had time I’d also visit Beijing. I restart my university late-September. When I finish all of the plan that I wrote here, I’d already be 22 years old. My senpai whom I met in Guadalajara told me “Kakeru-chan, when you get a job in Japan, you wouldn’t have time to spend for yourself. If you have any objectives, you should take a year off.”

So, I am still thinking, but I think I will take a year off from my university.  



The reason why I go to Guatemala 冬休みにグアテマラに行く理由

(English down below⬇️⬇️)




グアテマラでは主に3箇所語学学校がある。1つ目はメキシコ国境から車で3時間のQuezaltenango。2つ目が世界で一番美しい湖とも言われるアティトラン湖のほとりにあるSan Pedro Laguna、3つ目が世界遺産の街Antigua。それぞれの街にちょうど三週間ずついれることになる。でも、調べたところQuezaltenangoが一番安く一週間で最安150ドル、San Pedroは200ドル、Antiguaは250-300ドル。正直Quezaltenangoが気に入ればずっといようかなと思い始めた。結局Quezaltenangoで最安のところに通っている。僕はグアテマラ国境の街タパチュラまで飛行機、そこから陸路で国境越えをしたので移動費は安く済んだ。グアテマラには海もあるしQuezaltenango近郊には温泉もあるらしいので楽しみだ。それに加え、グアテマラ北部はベリーズやメキシコ・キンタナロー州にも近く、そっちに抜けて国内線で帰る予定だ。







Tec doesn't allow me to take Spanish classes unless my Spanish is at least B2 level of DELE. I've been studying in Mexico so of course I want to challenge myself and take classes in Spanish, but all classes were taught in English this semester. There are many international students in English-taught classes, and almost all of my friends were international students. On the other hand, if you take classes in Spanish, there are more local students, and hopefully I can utilize my Spanish. It is the international students who are going to travel together and have a good time with you, but I want more Spanish-speaking friends next semester.
Tec is an engineering university, and many engineering and science classes have been held, but there are only a few English-taught classes, and this semester only two political science classes were held in English. Even if I'm lucky, only 4,8 credits can be accepted in my home university. I have acquired 88 credits before my exchange year, and only 48 credits remain for me to graduate, so no matter how many credits I acquire in Tec, I should be able to graduate in four years. Credit acquired during the exchange year will only be pass or fail, and it will not be reflected to my GPA. So, I just need to get 70%. Next semester, I want to be taking political science classes both in Spanish and English to acquire more credits.
So, I decided to study in a Spanish language school during the 10 weeks of winter break. There are many direct flights from Guadalajara within Mexico, so I can go travel right away. But there are not so many international flights. It is difficult to travel abroad in a short period of time, so I wanted to go abroad during the winter break. The cheapest flights were to Guatemala, El Salvador, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Colombia. I'll be backpacking in Colombia next summer, Costa Rica is too expensive, El Salvador don't have a language school, and I feel like I'll go to Cuba some time because it's such a popular destination for Japanese. (And you can only stay in Cuba for 30 days.) So I chose Guatemala. Guatemala is super cheap. The cheapest language school I found in Quezaltenango is a one-on-one lesson of 20 hours a week and homestay with three meals a day for $150. And if you take classes for more than 4 weeks, you get 10% off at $135. About $540 in 4 weeks. Much cheaper than living in Japan. After all, there is language school and meals so I don't spend much money.
There are three main language school areas in Guatemala. The first is Quezaltenango, the second biggest city in Guatemala which is only 3-hour away from the Mexican border. The second is San Pedro Laguna on the shores of Lake Atitlan, which is said to be the most beautiful lake in the world. The third is the world heritage city of Antigua. I can be in each city for just three weeks. But I found that Quezaltenango is the cheapest around $ 150 per week. San Pedro is $ 200, and Antigua is $ 250-300 with homestay. If I liked Quezaltenango, I'll stay there as long as my break lasts. After all, I decided to go to the cheapest school in Quezaltenango. I traveled to the town of Tapachula on the border of Guatemala by airplane and then crossed the border by land, so the travel cost was even cheaper. I'm looking forward to seeing Guatemala. There are seas and hot springs near Quezaltenango. In addition, the northern part of Guatemala is also close to Belize and Quintana Roo, Mexico, where I plan to travel at the end and return home.


What I felt when I came to Sierra

1 week has passed since I came to Quezaltenango, or Xela. I got sick on the second day. That day I had my first class at the language school, but I didn't assume Xela to be this cold and went to the language school with a thin hoodie and a pair of shorts. There were no desks indoor open, so teacher and I sat outside for 4 hours. I was at 25 degrees the day before, and if I sat down for 4 hours at a temperature of 10 degrees, I caught a cold for sure. The fact that the I climbed from the altitude of 0m to 2300m also affected my condition. My first week in Xela was just going to a language school and being in bed all day after the class. 

Xela is a city surrounded by mountains, and I feel like I finally came to Central America. There are many developing countries in Central America, and people live a simpler life than Mexicans (in my opinion). For example, three meals are served in the homestay, but in the morning and night, only frijoles (beans) and eggs are served every day. Perhaps my homestay house could buy other ingredients, but this is a normal food diet in Guatemala. Since the amount is so small, I make my miso soup with miso that I brought from home ev

ery meal, and after returning to the room, I eat the fruits I bought at the supermarket. Some people talk to me as I walk around the city, and it feels very friendly, but many people tell me to give me money after talking for a while. I don't want you to talk to me because I'm Asian and I look like I have money. I want you to stop pointing at me and saying, "Oh, there's a Chino over there." There are a lot of women in Xela wearing colorful indigenous costumes. Also, Mexicans are much taller than Guatemaltecas.

Xela's air is super polluted. Unlike Japan, there are many old cars that emit a large amount of gas, and because of Xela's high altitude, dirty air accumulates in the city. Also, since the width of one road is narrow, you have to walk right next to the large bus that emits great smoke. The sidewalk is narrow and only one person can pass, so when passing each other, one must go down to the road. I was sick the first week, so everything that I saw could be seen negatively, but the positive points are the prices and the suburban activities that you can do. Shopping at the supermarket is only a bit cheaper than Mexico, but going to a language school is the cheapest in the Spanish-speaking world. For example, my homestay program at a language school I attend costs about 700 yen a day with three meals. In addition, there are plenty of natural activities which you can also do with your school. I climbed 3772m Santa Maria Volcano last Saturday with my language school. This is a mountain 15 minutes from Xela and it can be climbed in 3 hours. Also, there is a hot spring nearby. 

When I got sick last Tuesday, I thought of moving to a warmer place in a week, but when I thought about the original plan of staying here for 4 weeks, I can't break my plan so easily. So I decided to stay in Xela for a bit more. 



Culiacan, Sinaloa 麻薬カルテルの街・クリアカン

(English down below⬇️⬇️)

12/3から12/7までの5日間、元ルームメイトのカルロスの地元メキシコ・シナロア州クリアカンに行ってきた。クリアカンは麻薬カルテルの一大勢力シナロアカルテルの本拠地がある、Business Insider Japanによると世界に16番目に危ない街。10月に麻薬王エル・チャポの息子が警察に逮捕されシナロアカルテルが彼を釈放しろと激怒し、クリアカンの街中で警察との銃撃戦を始めた。街が破壊されることを恐れたオブラドール大統領は彼を釈放した。と言う夢のような事件が少し前に起こった街である。



観光地という観光地はなかった。でもセントロは面白かった。クリアカンは国内では大きな都市で、人口は75万人。よく中南米で見かけるコロニアル調の建物はなくて、2階建てのコンクリが所狭しと立ち並んでいた。僕は強烈な東南アジア感を感じた。クリアカンはセントロの北側に川が流れているのだが、めちゃめちゃ濁ってるし、Googleで出てきた美術館に行ったら同じような油絵が15枚くらい飾ってあるくらいで、唯一よかったことといえばカルロスおすすめのシーフードカクテルの露店をたまたま見つけて食べたことくらいだった。このカクテルにはクリアカン産の牡蠣、カンペチェ州産のタコ、ラパズ産のホタテをふんだんに使われており、さらにきゅうりと玉ねぎをカットして、レモンを絞って入れてくれた。その後韓国日本のアニメ関連のグッズを販売しているFriki Plazaに行った。これもまた東南アジア感(僕が3月に行った東ティモールの首都・ディリに雰囲気がとても似ていた)が半端なく、自分の予想していた通りの場所で笑ってしまった。カルロスの地元を見て彼がどのように生まれ育ち、暮らしてきたのかをよく知ることができて面白かった。

僕は、北部はアメリカからの影響を強く受けていると感じた。カルロスは現在父の経営する酒屋のうちの1つを経営しているのだが、酒屋で1番売れているビールはBUDLIGHT(グアダラハラでは見たことがない)だし、スポーツも野球が一番人気だし、音楽はグアダラハラではマリアッチが有名なのに対し、北部ではバンダ、ノルテーニョという音楽が主流でレゲトンとともに街のいたるところで流れている。スペイン語もこっちの人は歌っているかのような話す。カルロスの店でメキシコ版寿司を注文して食べている時に、お客さんに、Plebes, estan botaniendo?って聞かれた。Plebesはシナロア州の方言で若い人、botanarは何かをしながら食べるという意味があるらしい(もともとの意味はplebesが中産階級の人、botanaは軽食)。しかも、めちゃ早口で言われるからまじでわからない。バスで9時間移動しただけでこんなに違うなんて面白いなメキシコ。正直北部はあんまり見所ないじゃんって思ってたけどまた行きたいな。



For 5 days from 12/3 to 12/7, I traveled to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, where my former roommate Carlos lives. Culiacan is a city of Sinaloa Cartel, one of the major drug cartels in the world. According to Business Insider Japan, it is the 16th most dangerous city in the world. In October, the son of drug king El Chapo was arrested by the police and Sinaloa Cartel raged at the police, and began a gun battle with the police in the city of Culiacan. President Obrador, who feared that the city would be destroyed, released El Chapo's son after a while. This is a city where a dreamy event happened a while ago.

When I told my colleagues that I'm going to visit Culiacan, not only my exchange friends asked me why are you going to Culiacan, but my Mexican friends told me as well. The reason was simple. Carlos left Tec in October, but I had borrowed a blanket and frying pan from him during the semester and had to return it. I also wanted to visit to northern part of Mexico. Carlos was always telling me that he's proud that he is from the north, and also that the music he listened to and the personality of the people were different. Mexico is roughly divided (in my opinion) into the North, Central and South. The north includes areas from the US border to Baja California and Sinaloa State. The central part includes Guadalajara, where I study and Guanajuato. I don't know much about CDMX, but it seems to be quite different from the rest of Mexico, and all the Mexicans make fun of Chilangos. The southern part includes Oaxaca, where many indigenous people live, and Chiapas, the border State with Guatemala. The people from the northern Mexico have much taller average height is higher than the Southern part, so Northerns make fun of Southeners.

Culiacan is a very hot city on the coast of Pacific Ocean. Guadalajara is warmer than Tokyo, but it's located in the highland at an altitude of 1600m, so it's cold that you need to wear a hoodie on a winter night. But Culiacan was about 20 degrees even on a winter night and we went to sleep with AC every night. On my first day in Culiacan, we planned to visit Centro, but we suddenly returned because we received information that the Sinaloa Cartel and the police were gonna fight again. When I talked to Carlos for more info, it appeared that the corrupt police impersonated the Sinaloa cartel, kidnapped the rich man of Culiacan and demanded a ransom. Then, the Sinaloa Cartel came out and there were going to do a shooting, but some negotiation were done and the shooting was canceled. But one of the policeman killed one or two Cartel hitmen. On this day, evacuation advisories were issued in the city, and many people returned home early from school or work. But people live as if nothing had happened from the next day. In other words, Culiacan is a city that coexists with the Sinaloa Cartel. Also, Carlos told me that the bike running with a small radio are lookouts for the safety of drug warehouses and military trends. I personally thought that if you are willing to avoid going to dangerous places, you will not be in danger.

In my opinion, there were no turistic places in Culiacan. In fact I didn't encounter any turists while walking through the Centro. But the Centro was interesting. Culiacan is a large city with a population of 750,000. There were no colonial-style buildings as often seen in Latin America, and two-story concrete building filled up the streets. The streets of Culiacan strongly reminded me of Southeast Asian cities. Culiacan has a river on the north side of the Centro, it is kinda dirty and when we went to the museum that came out in Google, there were barely 15 oil paintings of the wall. However, we happened to find a seafood cocktail stall. The cocktail uses plenty of Culiacan oysters, Campeche octopus, and Lapaz scallops, the master cut cucumbers and onions, and squeezed bunch of lemons. After that, we went to Friki Plaza, which sells Japanese anime and K-Pop related goods. Again, I felt strong an atmosphere of Southeast Asia (was very similar to Dili, the capital of East Timor where I went in March), and I started laughing because it had the exact atmosphere as I imagined in my head. It was interesting to see how Carlos was born and raised in the city of Culiacan.

I felt that the north was strongly influenced by the United States. Carlos currently runs one of his father's liquor stores, and the best-selling beer at the store is Budlight (never seen a Budlight in Guadalajara), and the most popular sport is baseball. The famous music in Guadalajara is mariachi, whereas in the north, the banda and norteño are the mainstream and played along with Reggaeton. In culiacan, spanish are also spoken as if a person is singing. When I was in Carlos' store eating Mexican sushi for lunch, a customer asked me "plebes, estan botaniendo?" In Culichi dialect plebes means 'young people', and botanar mean to 'eat while doing something else'. (Originally, plebes means middle class people, botana is a snack). Moreover, I don't really understand because people speak very quickly. It's so interesting that parts of Mexico are so different. To be honest, Before I went to Culiacan, I thought that there wasn't much to see in the north, but I want to travel to the North again.


Carlos's parents cooked me delicious meals, as well they took me to a casa club where I can experince shooting guns, took me to a club, took me to the highest hill of the city, and finally send me to the airport. Muchas gracias a familia de Carlos!

Two days ago, I left from Culiacan, and moved to the southern border town of Tapachula, and finally this afternoon I caught a bus to Quezaltenango, the second biggest city in Guatemala. Tec is in two-month winter break. I will stay in Guatemala for 8 weeks and study Spanish.




中南米行くとすぐ’chino’と言われるって聞くけど少なくともグアダラハラに関してはそれは嘘。多分’chino'って言われる人は舐められてる。僕が金髪なのもあるかもしれないけれど、だいたいみんな’hola, que tal?’’como te llamas?’の流れから’de donde eres?’って聞いてくる。田舎に行くとたまに写真一緒に撮って!って言われたり、ちっちゃい子がいきなり走ってきて’hello!’って言ってくれたりする。南米の場合はわからんけど。


Family Constellations ファミリー・コンステレーション

(English down below⬇️⬇️)

11/22の金曜日に友達のマルセロと一緒にfamily constellationsに行ってきた。マルセロはスピリチュアルなやつで、将来は心理セラピスト?になりたいらしい。出かける前に一応family constellationsとは何かwikipediaで調べてみたのだが、正直全く頭に入ってこなかった。でも行きのUberの中でYouTubeビデオを見せてもらったのでなんとなく想像はついていた。Family constellationsとは簡単に言うと、自分の悩みをみんなに打ち明けながら相談して解決するセラピーだ。僕の行った日はfacilitatorの人と、僕、マルセロ、31歳の女性、中年の女性2人の合計6人だった。

まずfacilitatorが全員の解決したい悩みを聞いてから1人ずつの課題に全員で向き合っていく。最初は31歳の女性ダイアナだった。彼女は離婚した元夫とその間の子供との関係を相談したいらしい。ダイアナは人指差して役割を与えていく。役割を与えられた人はその人になりきらないといけない。マルセロはダイアナの元夫ケビン、僕はダイアナの2歳の子供、他の2人はダイアナとダイアナケビンの関係役になった。約10畳くらいの部屋にみんなで大きな円になって座っているのだが、立ち上がり、それぞれがその時感じることを言う。例えば、僕はぶっちゃけ何も感じなかったけれど、僕の立っていた場所が扇風機の場所で寒かったので少し横に移動した。みんなが移動すると、facilitatorが’como te sientes?’(気分はどう?)って聞いてくる。他の人は’me siento muy pesado’(何か重いものを感じる)とかなんとかいうのだが、僕は何も感じなかったので’muy triste’(とても悲しい)とか言ってみた。そしたら、facilitatorは確かに片親がいなかったら寂しいよね、子供の将来にも影響するし、とか言った。僕はその時たまたまダイアナ役の女の人の隣にいたのだが、子供にとっては父親よりも母親が大事だから近くにいるんだよとか言ってた。その後facilitatorはダイアナ本人にこの関係を見てどう思う?と質問し始めた。すると彼女は元夫との関係が辛くて一月に自殺しかけ病院送りになったことを打ち明け、泣き始めた。そしたらなぜかダイアナケビンの関係役の女の人も声をすすりながら泣き始めた。僕は正直こんなわけのわからないところに来て30分で全く知らない赤の他人が号泣するところを見せられて自分は一体何をやってるのか、と僕は笑ってしまった。ふと横を見るとマルセロも笑いを隠していて僕は笑いがこらえられなくなり、facilitatorがダイアナに助言を与えている間ずっと下を向いて笑っていた。

他の4人が終わってから最後に僕の番が回ってきた。僕は幸いなことに健康や家族のことで深刻に悩んでいて相談したいことがなかったが、来年休学して世界一周するか悩んでいるのでそれを相談することにした。facilitatorは2人の女性に紙を握らせ、僕にどっちがいいかきいていた。僕が1人を選び紙を見ると’si, ano sabatico’(休学するべき)と書いてあった。そしたらfacilitatorはなぜか休学しないで僕がまず大学を卒業することを強く勧めてきた。ぶっちゃけスペイン語のリスニング能力が低すぎて言ってること半分もわからなかった。マルセロは「交換留学なんて休学みたいなもんじゃん!」とか便乗してきた。でも自分の決断は親と相談して自分で決めるし今回のfamily constellationsが影響することは多分ない。





On Friday the November 22nd, I went to the family constellations with my friend Marcelo. I personally think that Marcelo is a spiritual guy, and he wants to become a therapist in the future. Before going out I searched up what is family constellations on wikipedia because I had no idea what it was, but no information came into my mind. When I told Marcelo that he explained it to me, but I couldn’t really catch it either. However, I could imagine how a family constellations goes in an YouTube video. Family constellations is a therapy where you get to share and solve your problems that you are facing with everyone. On the day we went, it was the facilitator, me, Marcelo, 31years-old woman, and two middle-aged women. 

First, the facilitator asks for the problems that each one of us are facing and then we face the problems one by one. First up was 31years-old lady Diana. He wanted to share her relationships between her ex-husband and their children. Diana first points at everyone and gives everyone a role. When given the role, each one has to become and feel like that person. Marcelo was Diana’s ex-husband Kevin, I was her 2years-old son, and the other women were Diana and the relationship between Diana and Kevin. We all stand up in the room and say how we feel. For example, I honestly didn’t feel anything at all, but the place which I was standing was under a fan so I moved a little bit. After everyone moves as they like, the facilitator asks, ‘how do you feel?’ Others said something like ‘I feel so heavy’ but I didn’t feel anything so I said ‘I feel sad’. Then the facilitator tells Diana that if a child is missing one parent, the child must feel really lonely, and this fact could affect your kids in the future, or something like that. At that time, I (2years-old child) was near the pretend-Diana and the facilitator says that mother is more important to a child that is the reason why your child is near you. After, the facilitator asks real-Diana how she feels about the relationship. Then she confessed us that she tried to commit suicide in January and end up in the hospital. She started crying and the woman with the role of the relationships between Diana and Kevin both started crying. I think they were very emotional. At this point, I thought, ‘what the hell am I doing here on a Friday night, watching people crying whom I met only 30minutes ago’. And I don’t know why, maybe I was emotional too, I started laughing. When I looked at Marcelo, he was laughing too, and because of that I couldn’t hold my laugh. During the time the facilitator was giving the advice, I looked down and laughed. 

After 4 people at last, my turn finally came. Luckily, I didn’t have serious problems regarding health or family to talk about, but I am considering to take a year off from my university next year and travel all around the world, so I decided that as my topic. The facilitator gave two women a piece of paper and she told me to select one paper. When I selected and opened the sheet of paper, it said ‘yes, sabbatical year’. However, I have no idea but the facilitator told me to not take a year off and finish my university first. To be honest, my Spanish was so bad that I couldn’t understand more than half of the things that she mentioned. Marcelo also told me, ‘hey we are already in a sabbatical year!’. The therapy made sense but I make my decisions on my own with my parents and the family constellations probably won’t affect my decisions. 


What I thought afterwards

If you have a big thing in your mind that you want to discuss or decide, then you should visit the family constellations. I prefer consulting problems with my parents or friends. I went there out of my curiosity, and it was a cool experience. If I were asked to go to family constellations in Japan, I had never gone.





僕は意味がわからず呆然としてしまった。彼は大学は2年目なのだが、学年は1年生だ。というのも、僕の通うメキシコのモンテレイ工科大学(通称Tec)では今年の新入生からTec21というプログラムに入っている。カルロスは昨年1学期目終了後、両親と話し合い、2学期目をTec21の授業を次学期から受けるためのPre-Tec21、要するに準備コースに進路変更したのだ。そして今学期からTec21に正式に入学した。しかし、カルロスによるとTec21 esta culero(this program sucks)。慶應大学でも数年前に経済学部でPEARLプログラムが始まったが、新しいプログラムはいろいろ整備されていなかったり手の行き届いていないところが多い。Tecでは一学期に通常6つの授業を履修する。反対にTec21では一学期を3つのparcialに分けて1parcialで2つの授業を履修する。彼はソフトウェアエンジニアリング専攻なのだが、以前と違い、今学期は彼が不得意な物理や化学、生物の授業を短い期間で履修しているらしい。それがゆえ、彼は多くの授業で悪い成績をとってしまい、アドバイザーに相談してもどうにもできないし、グループワークが多く彼はよく寝坊するがゆえグループからハブられるし、もう学校を辞めたいと言い始めた。(まあ僕は彼が毎日夜遅くまでゲームをしているから授業の時間になっても起きず、出席できていないことも理由の1つだと思っている)実は今学期が始まった時から退学しようか迷っていたらしいのだが、Tecの学費は日本円で約155万円ととてつもなく高く(メキシコは物価が日本の約1/3から1/2)、両親に高い学費を払わせているのに簡単に辞めてしまうのは申し訳なかったらしい。Tecでは1parcialごとに学費を払うのだが、2つ目が終わった時点で退学しようと決心したらしい。そこで僕が旅に出る前日、学校を退学しようと決心して両親に彼の意思を伝えた。そして僕が寝る前に辞めると伝えた。彼は春学期から学部を変更し、Tecのモンテレイ本キャンパスで勉強する予定だ。彼のお父さんは酒屋を経営しているのでビジネスを学ぶらしい。でもTec21プログラムはどこのキャンパスでも共通なのでまた同じことになりかねないと僕は思うのだが…その次の朝僕は4時に起きて空港に行かなければならなかったが、カルロスに詳しい話を聞こうと2時間ほど彼を質問攻めにした。


僕の寮は二人部屋で共通のシャワートイレがついた約10畳でルームメイトと完全に同じ空間で寝る。カルロスは普段夜中までオンラインで友達と大声で通話しながらパソコンのゲームをしていてゲームは夜中の1時までとルールを定めたにも関わらず僕がしつこく言わないとパソコンの画面を暗くしないし通話辞めないし、午前中に授業終わるから昼間は腹出して寝てるし、毎朝7時から授業なのに夜中までゲームしてるせいで起きないから僕が起きてアラーム止めないといけないし、全然食器片付けないから汚いし、何かとめんどくさがるし、いつも机の上はごちゃごちゃだ。でも金曜の夜になると友達あんまりいないからパーティーしたいんだけどKakeどっか一緒に行けるパーティー知らない?とか言っていつも僕の行くパーティーについてくるし、たまにチーズと肉でベトベトになった超高カロリーのパスタ作って食べていいよってくれるし、RappiやDiDiFoodの使い方教えてくれたし、一緒に映画を観に行ったし、僕がスーパーで買い物をいつもしすぎるとめちゃ荷物持ってくれたし、ナルトとジョジョ僕のヒーローアカデミアが好きで僕がナルトを見始めるきっかけを作ってくれたし、トイレットペーパー大量に買ってくれたし、美味しいサンドイッチの作り方教えてくれたし、地元に帰った時お土産持ってきてくれたし、いつも大音量で音楽をかけてメキシコはレゲトンだけじゃない俺の地元のメキシコ北部ではバンダっていう音楽がいいんだよと言ってバンダずっとかけてるし、僕に学期中ずっとブランケットとフライパン貸してくれてるし、何も言わずにいろいろ食材置いてってくれたし、今度彼の地元に遊びに行くし、僕が週末旅行して帰ってくるとI missed you!とか言ってくれるし、後10kgくらい痩せれば普通にイケメンだし、まあいいルームメイトだったんじゃないかな。


Muchas gracias, Carlos. Espero que te vaya muy bien. 

