Culiacan, Sinaloa 麻薬カルテルの街・クリアカン

(English down below⬇️⬇️)

12/3から12/7までの5日間、元ルームメイトのカルロスの地元メキシコ・シナロア州クリアカンに行ってきた。クリアカンは麻薬カルテルの一大勢力シナロアカルテルの本拠地がある、Business Insider Japanによると世界に16番目に危ない街。10月に麻薬王エル・チャポの息子が警察に逮捕されシナロアカルテルが彼を釈放しろと激怒し、クリアカンの街中で警察との銃撃戦を始めた。街が破壊されることを恐れたオブラドール大統領は彼を釈放した。と言う夢のような事件が少し前に起こった街である。



観光地という観光地はなかった。でもセントロは面白かった。クリアカンは国内では大きな都市で、人口は75万人。よく中南米で見かけるコロニアル調の建物はなくて、2階建てのコンクリが所狭しと立ち並んでいた。僕は強烈な東南アジア感を感じた。クリアカンはセントロの北側に川が流れているのだが、めちゃめちゃ濁ってるし、Googleで出てきた美術館に行ったら同じような油絵が15枚くらい飾ってあるくらいで、唯一よかったことといえばカルロスおすすめのシーフードカクテルの露店をたまたま見つけて食べたことくらいだった。このカクテルにはクリアカン産の牡蠣、カンペチェ州産のタコ、ラパズ産のホタテをふんだんに使われており、さらにきゅうりと玉ねぎをカットして、レモンを絞って入れてくれた。その後韓国日本のアニメ関連のグッズを販売しているFriki Plazaに行った。これもまた東南アジア感(僕が3月に行った東ティモールの首都・ディリに雰囲気がとても似ていた)が半端なく、自分の予想していた通りの場所で笑ってしまった。カルロスの地元を見て彼がどのように生まれ育ち、暮らしてきたのかをよく知ることができて面白かった。

僕は、北部はアメリカからの影響を強く受けていると感じた。カルロスは現在父の経営する酒屋のうちの1つを経営しているのだが、酒屋で1番売れているビールはBUDLIGHT(グアダラハラでは見たことがない)だし、スポーツも野球が一番人気だし、音楽はグアダラハラではマリアッチが有名なのに対し、北部ではバンダ、ノルテーニョという音楽が主流でレゲトンとともに街のいたるところで流れている。スペイン語もこっちの人は歌っているかのような話す。カルロスの店でメキシコ版寿司を注文して食べている時に、お客さんに、Plebes, estan botaniendo?って聞かれた。Plebesはシナロア州の方言で若い人、botanarは何かをしながら食べるという意味があるらしい(もともとの意味はplebesが中産階級の人、botanaは軽食)。しかも、めちゃ早口で言われるからまじでわからない。バスで9時間移動しただけでこんなに違うなんて面白いなメキシコ。正直北部はあんまり見所ないじゃんって思ってたけどまた行きたいな。



For 5 days from 12/3 to 12/7, I traveled to Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, where my former roommate Carlos lives. Culiacan is a city of Sinaloa Cartel, one of the major drug cartels in the world. According to Business Insider Japan, it is the 16th most dangerous city in the world. In October, the son of drug king El Chapo was arrested by the police and Sinaloa Cartel raged at the police, and began a gun battle with the police in the city of Culiacan. President Obrador, who feared that the city would be destroyed, released El Chapo's son after a while. This is a city where a dreamy event happened a while ago.

When I told my colleagues that I'm going to visit Culiacan, not only my exchange friends asked me why are you going to Culiacan, but my Mexican friends told me as well. The reason was simple. Carlos left Tec in October, but I had borrowed a blanket and frying pan from him during the semester and had to return it. I also wanted to visit to northern part of Mexico. Carlos was always telling me that he's proud that he is from the north, and also that the music he listened to and the personality of the people were different. Mexico is roughly divided (in my opinion) into the North, Central and South. The north includes areas from the US border to Baja California and Sinaloa State. The central part includes Guadalajara, where I study and Guanajuato. I don't know much about CDMX, but it seems to be quite different from the rest of Mexico, and all the Mexicans make fun of Chilangos. The southern part includes Oaxaca, where many indigenous people live, and Chiapas, the border State with Guatemala. The people from the northern Mexico have much taller average height is higher than the Southern part, so Northerns make fun of Southeners.

Culiacan is a very hot city on the coast of Pacific Ocean. Guadalajara is warmer than Tokyo, but it's located in the highland at an altitude of 1600m, so it's cold that you need to wear a hoodie on a winter night. But Culiacan was about 20 degrees even on a winter night and we went to sleep with AC every night. On my first day in Culiacan, we planned to visit Centro, but we suddenly returned because we received information that the Sinaloa Cartel and the police were gonna fight again. When I talked to Carlos for more info, it appeared that the corrupt police impersonated the Sinaloa cartel, kidnapped the rich man of Culiacan and demanded a ransom. Then, the Sinaloa Cartel came out and there were going to do a shooting, but some negotiation were done and the shooting was canceled. But one of the policeman killed one or two Cartel hitmen. On this day, evacuation advisories were issued in the city, and many people returned home early from school or work. But people live as if nothing had happened from the next day. In other words, Culiacan is a city that coexists with the Sinaloa Cartel. Also, Carlos told me that the bike running with a small radio are lookouts for the safety of drug warehouses and military trends. I personally thought that if you are willing to avoid going to dangerous places, you will not be in danger.

In my opinion, there were no turistic places in Culiacan. In fact I didn't encounter any turists while walking through the Centro. But the Centro was interesting. Culiacan is a large city with a population of 750,000. There were no colonial-style buildings as often seen in Latin America, and two-story concrete building filled up the streets. The streets of Culiacan strongly reminded me of Southeast Asian cities. Culiacan has a river on the north side of the Centro, it is kinda dirty and when we went to the museum that came out in Google, there were barely 15 oil paintings of the wall. However, we happened to find a seafood cocktail stall. The cocktail uses plenty of Culiacan oysters, Campeche octopus, and Lapaz scallops, the master cut cucumbers and onions, and squeezed bunch of lemons. After that, we went to Friki Plaza, which sells Japanese anime and K-Pop related goods. Again, I felt strong an atmosphere of Southeast Asia (was very similar to Dili, the capital of East Timor where I went in March), and I started laughing because it had the exact atmosphere as I imagined in my head. It was interesting to see how Carlos was born and raised in the city of Culiacan.

I felt that the north was strongly influenced by the United States. Carlos currently runs one of his father's liquor stores, and the best-selling beer at the store is Budlight (never seen a Budlight in Guadalajara), and the most popular sport is baseball. The famous music in Guadalajara is mariachi, whereas in the north, the banda and norteño are the mainstream and played along with Reggaeton. In culiacan, spanish are also spoken as if a person is singing. When I was in Carlos' store eating Mexican sushi for lunch, a customer asked me "plebes, estan botaniendo?" In Culichi dialect plebes means 'young people', and botanar mean to 'eat while doing something else'. (Originally, plebes means middle class people, botana is a snack). Moreover, I don't really understand because people speak very quickly. It's so interesting that parts of Mexico are so different. To be honest, Before I went to Culiacan, I thought that there wasn't much to see in the north, but I want to travel to the North again.


Carlos's parents cooked me delicious meals, as well they took me to a casa club where I can experince shooting guns, took me to a club, took me to the highest hill of the city, and finally send me to the airport. Muchas gracias a familia de Carlos!

Two days ago, I left from Culiacan, and moved to the southern border town of Tapachula, and finally this afternoon I caught a bus to Quezaltenango, the second biggest city in Guatemala. Tec is in two-month winter break. I will stay in Guatemala for 8 weeks and study Spanish.
