My six-weeks study abroad in Xela 6週間のスペイン語語学留学総括 

 (English down below⬇︎⬇︎)








4,5週間目が精神的に1番キツかった。僕は5月に受験予定のDELEという語学試験の勉強をしていて、毎日先生にライティングを添削してもらい、スピーキングをするのだが、ライティングはあらかじめ書いてこないと話にならないし、スピーキングもテストでは20分の準備時間が与えられる前提なので、毎朝の授業が終わり、昼ご飯を食べた後ずっとカフェで書いていた。また、語学学校でたくさんの人が僕が最後の3週間で行くグアテマラベリーズやメキシコに旅行したことを話していて、話を聞けば聞くほど早く行きたくなった。さらに大多数が1,2週間でシェラを去る中ずっと同じ場所で勉強し続けるのはキツかった。でも先生が良かったからシェラにい続けた。部屋は狭いし集中できないので、カフェで勉強していた。幸いにもおしゃれなカフェがいくつかあった。オススメはBaviera Cafe。でも毎日同じカフェに通っていると飽きてきて最後は勉強に集中できなくなっていた。僕はまだコーヒーの味はわからないけど、みんながここのコーヒーめっちゃ美味しいと言ってた。書いた内容はネガティヴなことが多いけど、かけがえのない経験ができた。この街に6週間もいれたのは、先生のDaniel、スタッフのIlsyとの出会いがあったからだ。安いし、flexibleだし、毎日のようにアクティビティあるし、何よりスペイン語が上手くなった留学だった。さあ、旅をしよう。


This is just my guess but you get better at a language the more you learn. And if you use it sometimes, you won’t forget it. Tbh I didn’t really study Spanish during my first semester in Mexico. I had random chats with my roommate and I watched Naruto. I mean, I took classes four times a week but I mostly hang out with the exchange students and didn’t use Spanish. So, I told myself, I’m gonna study Spanish over the break. At least, I wanted to do a homestay in a local house. 

1st week: Fucking cold this place, got sick. Started going to a language school. This week my plan of the winter was about to fall apart. A bit of mental break. Met a great Spanish teacher.

2nd week: Recovered from sickness, decided to stay here for five more weeks. Discussion with my super left-wing teacher about LA politics. Studied Spanish, politics, and subjective in the same week!

3rd week: Christmas. I imagined celebrating it with my home family, instead completely ignored→decided to change the house. Met great people and way of thinking. Became interest in camping in Alaska. Hiking in between classes.

4th week: New Years where the house and the teacher changed. Started DELE preparation and everyday writing and writing. 

5th week: Changed my teacher back to the original. Got bored with the school itself and wanted to travel asap. But, I wrote a lot and as I wrote the task, I could kinda tell what they are asking for without reading the instructions. 

6th week: Quit my language school, my brain said no more. Only homestay and studying in cafes. Visit to biggest cemetery in Xela,  Fuentes Georginas, volunteering at an elementary school, hike to the top of Centroamerica.


4th and 5th week were the toughest. I’m preparing for the DELEB2 exam which I’ll take in May. I had to prepare and review the writing and the speaking section everyday, but it was so tough to do along with the four-hours class in the morning. Basically after my class, I was preparing for it all day. Also, most of the people that I met at the language school had already went to Quintana Roo, Belize, and other parts of Guatemala which I am going in the next few weeks. So when they talk about the stories of beautiful Tulum or wherever, I wanted to leave Xela instantly. Most people left after 1 or 2 weeks anyways. But I knew that Daniel is the best teacher that I could have at my Spanish level, so I stayed. My room is so small and I can’t concentrate, so I went to cafes to study. Fortunately, there are some cool cafes. My favorite is Baviera Cafe. I honestly can’t tell the flavors of coffee if it’s bad or good, but at Baviera everyone seem to like the coffee. Also, I met many students from the language school and it was nice to talk about what’s going on. The experiences I wrote here are mostly negative, but it was cuz I was studying, and I ily had a precious experience. 

The reasons I could stay in Xela was because I met Ilsy and Daniel at the school. Cheap, flexible, everyday activities, lots of improvement in Spanish. I definitely recommend Miguel Cervantes if you come to Xela. Ok, time to travel. 

